Job Openings

Tenure Track

Applied Design Chairperson

We are looking for a proven leader who possesses a deep understanding of the multidisciplinary nature of the programs; is committed to excellence in education, research, and service; and possesses the ability to work effectively with stakeholders including faculty, staff, students, alumni, industry representatives, public and private funding agencies and other units within the college and university. The Chair’s duties include:

  • Demonstrate and provide academic leadership, act as advocate and liaison for the department, support student achievement, administer and manage the academic unit, lead departmental personnel matters, foster collegiality, celebrate successes, and contribute to the development and articulation of a vision for a diverse multi-disciplinary department.

  • Develop and maintain contacts with external professionals and industry connections, engage alumni in active participation with program areas, and assist in the recruitment of donors and fundraising.

  • Manage faculty appointments and development including, but not limited to, recruitment, re-appointments, promotion and tenure, annual faculty evaluation, and demonstrate knowledge about current technology.

  • Maintain oversight of all financial matters of the department. Demonstrate experience with external accreditation processes (e.g. SACS, NASAD, CIDA), maintain productive scholarship, and teach one course per semester.

The Department of Applied Design offers three NASAD accredited undergraduate majors with 500 students: Apparel Design and Merchandising, Industrial Design with concentrations in Furniture and Product Design, and Interior Design. Applied Design includes design studios, 15,000 square feet of prototyping studios, computer labs, and designated classrooms. Applied Design’s 16 tenure-track and full-time faculty focus on enhancing human experience through design. Students acquire the skills necessary to envision solutions from concept to prototypes through experiential learning. Students are required to complete one internship. Alumni occupy diverse professional positions.

The Apparel Design and Merchandising program educates and prepares students for the global apparel/textile complex with skills necessary for professional careers in research, design, production, marketing, distribution, and merchandising of apparel and apparel related products. Apparel Design and Merchandising students participate in the International Textile and Apparel Association’s competitions and have careers at Victoria’s Secret, Urban Outfitters, Belk, Cato, Nordstrom, and VF Corporation.

The Interior Design program provides an educational foundation that prepares students to enter the interior design profession, and positions the student to seek professional status through examination and qualification. Interior Design’s CIDA accredited program places particular emphasis on community service, environmental responsibility, global issues, and universal design. The program competes at the highest levels of student engagement with recent successes in competitions such as P.A.V.E. Awards, NEWH Green Voice Design Competition, and Eaton’s SOURCE Award. INT graduates are placed in top design firms throughout the country.

Industrial Design, with concentrations in both Product Design and Furniture Design, challenges students through industry collaborations and studio projects to develop a comprehensive knowledge base and skill set to succeed professionally. Student work has been recognized in both national and international venues including High Point Furniture Fair, ICFF in New York, and The Inspired Home Show, Chicago.

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Apparel Design & Merchandising  - Tenure Track Faculty Position

The Apparel Design and Merchandising program focuses on design, merchandising and marketing of apparel and textile products providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the global apparel and textile complex. Students acquire the skills necessary for the process of apparel product development from concept to consumer including design, production, distribution, marketing and merchandising. Students meet challenging classroom and studio experiences, engage with industry professionals and collaborative opportunities, and participate in field trips and study trips to New York and Europe. Students are required to complete an internship, and ADM program graduates have obtained industry positions in all aspects of the apparel and textile complex.

The primary responsibilities of the ADM faculty member will include developing and teaching courses in upper and lower-level studios, CAD classes, materials and processes courses, as well as other support courses in the apparel design and merchandising program area. Additional responsibilities will include advising students, recruiting, maintaining labs/materials, program development, providing instruction that fosters students’ success in their chosen area of study, as well as participating actively in departmental governance and performing academic service to the university and college. Maintaining a high level of related scholarly/creative work is required.

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Fundementals of Design - Tenure Track Faculty Position 

The Fundamentals of Design faculty member and program director is responsible for leading, developing and teaching introductory classes in the fundamentals of design sequence and for collaborating with other program directors served by the foundation courses. Participate in NASAD and CIDA accreditation. Actively engage in teaching and student development, scholarly and creative endeavors, and academic and professional service. Teaching load: four courses per semester (12 credit hours), with potential for one course release for productive scholarly and creative endeavors. There is also an opportunity to teach summer courses for additional compensation.

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Full-Time (one year) and Part-Time

Individuals with a background in Apparel Design, Merchandising, Industrial Design, Interior Design or a related field interested in joining our department should email a letter of interest and resume to Michael Rall, Interim Department Chairperson [].  Lecturer and Adjunct positions available.